just a little fish trying to survive in this great big ocean...

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A View from the Cliffs

I don't know how many of you out there have experience surfing 204 in San Clemente, but I had an interesting experience today with my paddle out. 204, most of the time, breaks very near shore and best on a high tide, but today it was breaking way out in deeper water, about twice as far out as I have ever seen it break. Granted, today was very very low tide, today's paddle out was still a one of a kind.
I showed up today, at the top of the cliffs to check the surf, with delight of seeing some size to the waves. Now, this may not usually be the most exciting thing in the world, however this hasn't been the best winter in the world for Orange County swells so seeing some waves is a good thing. I suited up and hiked down the stairs with Nick to catch some waves on the 5'8 ...Lost RNF. I have to say one reason that I really love surfing at 204 is because there is essentially no paddle out, but today asked quite the paddle just to get to where the waves are breaking. With all my excitement for the size in waves I had seen, I was highly disappointed when I got out there and found that all the waves I had seen outside were extremely blown out and everything inside was closed out. Not the best day I've ever had. Given the conditions, the few waves I did get were pretty fun.
Blown out and closed out left us with one option, we were out...of the water. It's hard to be excited when it's just no good. As fun as every paddle out can be, sometimes there is just only so much you can do to make the most of the waves you are given. Let's hope that 204 gets back to normal and gives us some fun winter swell sometime soon.

Until next time...praying for surf.

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